Monday, March 2, 2009

Senia's Blessing

We blessed Senia om March 1st. Above are Senia pictured with Tia and Great Grandma B. It was a nice day. She started to cry during the blessing, then a member of our Bishopric held her binkie in her mouth for her. She stared at him the entire blessing and did not say another word. After the blessing we had some family over and shortly thereafter, Suzanne received a text that Brandy had had her Baby.....looking forward to seeing the new addition to her family.


Kristy said...

It doesn't look like she wanted her pictures taken - a true Benson! We are sorry we missed it - wish we could have been there. Hopefully, she's not too grown up when we finally meet her.

Brandi, Dan, L and B said...

Love her blessing dress. That day was a busy one thats for sure. HA HA. She is so cute.

Sheffield Troupe said...

She is a beautiful baby!

Sheffield Troupe said...

She is a beautiful baby!

sparkee said...

she is so beautiful...can't wait to meet her. Give her a kiss for me.
